Aspect Library Document

Aspect TypeScript Library (aspect-libs)

TypeScript/AssemblyScript library for writing aspect to be deployed to Artela.


For a detailed guide on how to create an Aspect, please see the Aspect Dev Book.

One step of creating the subgraph is writing mappings that will process blockchain events and will write entities into the store. These mappings are written in TypeScript/AssemblyScript.

The aspect-libs provides Host APIs to interact with the Aspect runtime, with this set of APIs, you can access blockchain data, smart contracts, cryptographic functions, invoking system calls and more. To use it, all you have to do is add a dependency on it:

npm install --dev @artela/aspect-libs # NPM
yarn add --dev @artela/aspect-libs # Yarn

! code example to be added:


Copyright © 2023 Artela Network, Inc. and contributors.

The Aspect TypeScript library is dual-licensed under the MIT license and the Apache License, Version 2.0.