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Api References


This library simplifies and enhances Aspect application development, offering tools to boost developer productivity and ensure code type safety. It provides low-level API access to system data and contextual information generated during blockchain runtime, covering environment details, blocks, transactions, and utility classes such as crypto, ABI encoding/decoding, and other utilities.


  • sys

    Provides essential system-level functionalities, including log, revert, require, etc.

  • sys.hostApi

    Offers a low-level interface for exchanging data with blockchain workers.

  • sys.aspect

    Provides data query and update operations for Aspect State and Property.

  • ethereum

    Delivers Ethereum smart contract functionality, along with ABI (Application Binary Interface) handling, encoding/decoding, and utility classes.

  • helper

    This Helper provides utility functions for smooth data type conversions, ensuring compatibility and simplifying the management of data transformations in your software application. Whether handling numeric, string, or other data representations, this Helper enhances overall flexibility and interoperability in your codebase.