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Provides essential system-level functionalities, including log, revert, require, etc.


} from "@artela/aspect-libs";


1. revert

Rollback the current transaction and return the information to the node.

    revert(message: string)
  • Parameter

    • string : error message.
  • Example

    sys.revert("error message");

When executes sys.revert, the program will be interrupted to continue execution, and a Message log will be printed on the server.


  • If 'revert' is triggered within the Join-points of PreContractCall, PostContractCall, PreTxExecute, PostTxExecute, and Operation, it will revert transaction in blockchain.
  • If 'revert' is executed within the VerifyTx pointcut, it will drop the transaction from the MemPool.

2. require

The require function is used to confirm the validity of the condition and if an error occurs, the termination program continues to run.

    require(condition: bool, message: string = ''): void
  • Parameter

    • condition : bool
    • message : string
  • Example

    sys.require(1 == 2, "Not equal")

If the condition evaluates to false, the program will be interrupted, and a message log will be printed on the server.


  • If 'require' is triggered within the Join-points of PreContractCall, PostContractCall, PreTxExecute, PostTxExecute, and Operation, it will revert transaction in blockchain.
  • If 'require' is executed within the VerifyTx pointcut, it will drop the transaction from the MemPool.

3. log

Log information to the server.

    log(message: string): void
  • Parameter

    • string : log message.
  • Example

sys.log("print message");

Log printing is generally used in program debugging. However, printing too many logs will consume system performance, and it will limit this function on produce mode.