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Smart Contract and Aspect Communication via Transient Storage


Here's the detailed process for data interchange between a smart contract and Aspect using transientStorage.

In this scenario, data is written at the preTxExecute join point, allowing the contract to read the data through the getAspectContext method. Furthermore, data is written in the contract's setAspectContext method, and the written data is subsequently retrieved during the preTxExecute join point.

1. Init Aspect dApp​

   npm install -g @artela/aspect-tool

mkdir contract-aspect && cd contract-aspect

aspect-tool init

npm install

2. Create Blockchain Accounts (optional).​

Execute the following command under project folder to create two accounts, if you don't already have one.

npm run account:create 

βœ… If an account gets created successfully, its private key will be dumped as privateKey.txt in the current directory.

If you don't have a test token in your account, please join our discard ,require testnet faucet.

3. Create Smart Contract​

Within the contracts directory of your project, create your smart contract source files with a .sol extension.

For example, create a Storage.sol file:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0;

* @title Storage
* @dev Store & retrieve value in a variable
contract Storage {
address private deployer;

constructor() {
deployer = msg.sender;

function isOwner(address user) external view returns (bool result) {
if (user == deployer) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

function getAspectContext(address aspectId, string calldata key) public returns (string memory validationData) {
bytes memory contextKey = abi.encodePacked(aspectId, key);
(bool success, bytes memory returnData) = address(0x64).call(contextKey);
validationData = success ? string(returnData) : '';

function setAspectContext(string calldata key, string calldata value) public returns (bool) {
bytes memory contextKey = abi.encode(key, value);
(bool success,) = address(0x66).call(contextKey);
return success;

During the execution of the smart contract, store the data that needs to be shared in the transientStorage.

  • getAspectContext(...) : The getAspectContext function allows access to the precompile address (0x64) by making a call to retrieve the aspect context. This context includes data that has been written to transientStorage by the PreTxExecute and PreContractCall join-points.

  • setAspectContext(...) : The setAspectContext function facilitates access to the precompile address (0x66) by making a call to set the aspect context. This operation involves writing data to transientStorage, and the data becomes accessible through the PostContractCall and PostTxExecute join-points.

4. Deploy Contract​

mkdir -p ./build/contract

npm run contract:build

## deploy contract
npm run contract:deploy -- --abi ./build/contract/Storage.abi --bytecode ./build/contract/Storage.bin

βœ… Upon successful deployment, the terminal will display the contractAddress. Please take note of it, it will be utilized in the upcoming commands.

--contractAccount 0xaa19F4957C890518b577205c41C706F1c07fa0cc --contractAddress 0xFe4b65F17554B45eF7D146B86E030da7A4e250bb

5. Create Aspect​

The Aspect source files can be found in aspect/index.ts. We will add the following logic to exchange data with Smart Contract.

  • In the preTxExecute pointcut, the key-value pair ToContract => HelloWorld is written to transientStorage before the contract is executed. Subsequently,call the getAspectContext({aspectId},'ToContract') method in the contract can retrieve the value 'HelloWorld'.

  • After the entry point following the postTxExecute occurs and the contract is executed, you can obtain the value of the setAspectContext() contract method by calling transientStorage.get() at this pointcut.

import {
sys, BytesData,
} from '@artela/aspect-libs';
import {Protobuf} from "as-proto/assembly";

class StoreAspect
implements IPostTxExecuteJP, IPreTxExecuteJP {
isOwner(sender: Uint8Array): bool {
return true

preTxExecute(input: PreTxExecuteInput): void {
//for smart contract call

postTxExecute(input: PostTxExecuteInput): void {
const to = uint8ArrayToHex(input.tx!.to);
let txData = sys.hostApi.runtimeContext.get("");
const txDataPt = Protobuf.decode<BytesData>(txData, BytesData.decode);
const parentCallMethod = ethereum.parseMethodSig(;
const value = sys.aspect.transientStorage.get<string>('ToAspect', to).unwrap();
// setAspectContext method signature value is `9cf3ef1e`
if (parentCallMethod == "9cf3ef1e") {
//'HelloAspect' here is set from smart contract
sys.require(value == "HelloAspect", "failed to get value by contract setting.");


// 2.register aspect Instance
const aspect = new StoreAspect();

// 3.must export it
export {execute, allocate};

6. Deploy the Aspect​

Build your Aspect:

npm run aspect:build

The resulting release.wasm in the build folder contains the necessary WASM bytecode.

Deploy your compiled Aspect:

 npm run aspect:deploy -- --wasm ./build/release.wasm  \
--joinPoints PreTxExecute PostTxExecute

βœ… Upon successful execution, the terminal will display the Aspect address. It is essential to make a note of this address as it will be useful later on.


For more detailed usage information about this command, please refer to the deploy-aspect command documentation.

7. Bind the Contract and Aspect​

Deploying the Aspect doesn't automatically activate it. To make it functional, bind it to a smart contract:

   npm run contract:bind -- --contract {contractAddress} \
--abi ./build/contract/Storage.abi \
--aspectId {aspect-Id}
  • replace the placeholder {contractAddress} with the information obtained from step 4. deploy the smart contract.
  • replace the placeholder {aspect-Id} with the information obtained from step 6. Deploy the Aspect.

If the command is executed successfully, will see == aspect bind success == .

8. Test GetAspectContext​

Now, let's check whether the GetAspectContext method in the contract is able to retrieve the values written at the preTxExecute join point.

 npm run contract:call -- --contract {contractAddress} \
--abi ./build/contract/Storage.abi \
--method getAspectContext \
--args {aspectId} ToContract

If the command is executed successfully, will see

==== reuslt=== HelloWorld

9. Test SetAspectContext​

Now, let's verify whether the SetAspectContext method in the contract has been successfully executed and written.

 npm run contract:call -- --contract {attackAddress} \
--abi ./build/contract/Storage.abi \
--method setAspectContext \
--args ToAspect HelloAspect

If the command is executed successfully, will see

==== reuslt=== true