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Verify Tx By Password


This guide provides detailed instructions on how to use the "Verify tx" feature to gain write access to a smart contract without the need for the administrator's key, given knowledge of the password provided by the administrator.


1. Setting up a new project​

Make sure you have a recent version of Node.js and npm installed, Start by installing the aspect-tool:

npm install -g @artela/aspect-tool

Project Initialization, to kick off your project with aspect-tool, follow these steps:

# Create a new directory and navigate into it
mkdir verify-aspect&& cd verify-aspect

# Set up the npm project with aspect-tool
aspect-tool init

# Install the necessary dependencies
npm install

This will create a project directory with the following structure:

β”œβ”€β”€ asconfig.json
β”œβ”€β”€ aspect <-- Your aspect code resides here
β”‚Β Β  └── index.ts <-- Entry functions for the aspect
β”œβ”€β”€ contracts <-- Place your smart contracts here
β”œβ”€β”€ package.json
β”œβ”€β”€ project.config.json
β”œβ”€β”€ scripts <-- Utility scripts, including deploying, binding and etc.
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ aspect-deploy.cjs
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ bind.cjs
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ contract-call.cjs
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ contract-deploy.cjs
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ contract-send.cjs
β”‚Β Β  └── create-account.cjs
β”œβ”€β”€ tests
└── tsconfig.json

2. Deploy a smart contract​

2.1. Add a Smart Contract​

Within the contracts directory of your project, create your smart contract source files with a .sol extension.

For example, create a Counter.sol file:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.8.2 <0.9.0;

contract Counter {
uint256 private counter;
address private owner;

constructor() {
owner = msg.sender;
function isOwner(address user) external view returns (bool result) {
return user == owner;
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
// only owner can do add
function add(uint256 number) public onlyOwner {
counter = counter + number;
function get() external view returns (uint256 result) {
return counter;

2.2. Compile the Smart Contract​

This step relies on solc, first check if solc is installed correctly

solc --version

Compile your contract using:

npm run contract:build

βœ… Successful compilation will generate Counter.abi and Counter.bin files in the build/contract directory.

2.3. Deploy the Smart Contract​

2.3.1 Update project.config.json​

Update the project.config.json in the root directory with the appropriate network configuration:

"node": ""

For more details regarding development environment setup, please refer to artela devnet

2.3.2 Create a blockchain account (optional).​

Execute the following command under the verify-aspect folder to create an account if you haven't already done so:

npm run account:create

βœ… If an account gets created successfully, its private key will be dumped as privateKey.txt in the current directory.


For more detailed usage information about this command, please refer to the create-account command documentation.

If your account lacks test tokens, join Discord,and request some in testnet-faucet channel.

2.3.4 Deploy your contract​

Execute the following command within the verify-aspect folder, using the provided script:

npm run contract:deploy --  --abi ./build/contract/Counter.abi \
--bytecode ./build/contract/Counter.bin

βœ… Upon successful deployment, the terminal will display the contract address.


For more detailed usage information about this command, please refer to the deploy-contract command documentation.

3. Create your Aspect​

3.1. Implements an Aspect​

In aspect/index.ts, add your Aspect to check the transaction, if validationData not equal Password, then revert:

import {
TxVerifyInput, uint8ArrayToHex,
} from "@artela/aspect-libs";

class Aspect implements ITransactionVerifier {

isOwner(sender: Uint8Array): bool {
return true;

verifyTx(input: TxVerifyInput): Uint8Array {
const Passwd: string = "123456";
const validation = uint8ArrayToHex(input.validationData);
// Verify whether the password matches the expected value.
sys.require(validation == Passwd, 'invalid data');


// 2.register aspect Instance
const aspect = new Aspect()

// 3.must export it
export {execute, allocate}

3.2. Compile the Aspect​

Build your Aspect:

npm run aspect:build 

βœ… The resulting release.wasm in the build folder contains the necessary WASM bytecode.

3.3. Deploy the Aspect​

Deploy your compiled Aspect:

npm run aspect:deploy -- --wasm ./build/release.wasm \
--joinPoints VerifyTx \
--properties '[{"key":"Owner","value":"{owner-account}"}]'

replace the placeholder {owner-account} with the real payment accounts. like: 0x08D721275c6DbB33bc688B62ef199bbd709154c9

βœ… Upon successful execution, the terminal will display the Aspect address. It is essential to make a note of this address as it will be useful later on.


For more detailed usage information about this command, please refer to the deploy-aspect command documentation.

4. Bind the Contract with the Aspect​

Deploying the Aspect doesn't automatically activate it. To make it functional, bind it to a smart contract:

npm run contract:bind -- --contract {smart-contract-address} \
--abi ./build/contract/Counter.abi \
--aspectId {aspect-Id}
  • replace the placeholder {smart-contract-address} with the information obtained from step 2.3.4 deploy the smart contract.
  • replace the placeholder {aspect-Id} with the information obtained from step 3.4. Deploy the Aspect.

βœ… The binding process has been successful, and the transaction receipt has been printed.


For more detailed usage information about this command, please refer to the bind-aspect command documentation.

5. Bind the EOA with the Aspect​

npm run contract:bind -- --contract {owner-account} \
--abi ./build/contract/Counter.abi \
--aspectId {aspect-Id} \
--skfile {owner-private-key}
  • replace the placeholder {owner-account} with the owner account address.
  • replace the placeholder {owner-private-key} with the owner account private key file.
  • replace the placeholder {aspect-Id} with the information obtained from step 3.4. Deploy the Aspect.

βœ… The binding process has been successful, and the transaction receipt has been printed.


For more detailed usage information about this command, please refer to the bind-aspect command documentation.

6. Test the Smart Contract and Aspect Integration​

Within the scripts directory of your project,Create a Verify tx call script that generates a transaction that is not signed by {owner} and uses the password provided by {owner} to make the transaction. For example, create a verify.cjs file:

"use strict"

// import required libs
const fs = require('fs');
const Web3 = require('@artela/web3');
var argv = require('yargs')
"parse-numbers": false,
const {LegacyTransaction: EthereumTx} = require('@ethereumjs/tx')

const {numberToHex} = require("@artela/web3-utils");

async function call() {
// init connection to Artela node
const configJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./project.config.json', "utf-8").toString());
let node = (argv.node) ? String(argv.node) : configJson.node;
if (!node) {
console.log("'node' cannot be empty, please set by the parameter or artela.config.json")
const web3 = new Web3(node);

//--skfile ./build/privateKey.txt
let senderPriKey = String(argv.skfile)
if (!senderPriKey || senderPriKey === 'undefined') {
senderPriKey = "privateKey.txt"
if (!fs.existsSync(senderPriKey)) {
console.log("'account' cannot be empty, please set by the parameter ' --skfile ./build/privateKey.txt'")
let pk = fs.readFileSync(senderPriKey, 'utf-8');
let sender = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(pk.trim());
console.log("from address: ", sender.address);

// --contract 0x9999999999999999999999999999999999999999
const contractAddr = argv.contract;
if (!contractAddr) {
console.log("'contract address' cannot be empty, please set by the parameter ' --contract 0x9999999999999999999999999999999999999999'")

// --abi xxx/xxx.abi
const abiPath = String(argv.abi)
let abi = null
if (abiPath && abiPath !== 'undefined') {
abi = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(abiPath, "utf-8").toString());
} else {
console.log("'abi' cannot be empty, please set by the parameter' --abi xxx/xxx.abi'")
// --args [55]
const inputs = argv.args;
let parameters = [];
if (inputs && inputs !== 'undefined') {
parameters = inputs;
//--method count
const method = argv.method;
if (!method || method === 'undefined') {
console.log("'method' cannot be empty, please set by the parameter ' --method {method-name}'")

let storageInstance = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, contractAddr);
let contractCallData = await storageInstance.methods[method](...parameters).encodeABI();
//--method count
const password = argv.password;
if (!password || password === 'undefined') {
console.log("'password' cannot be empty, please set by the parameter ' --password {password}'")

let encodedData = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(['bytes', 'bytes'],
[password, contractCallData]);
// Append magic prefix and checksum to the encoded data
encodedData = '0xCAFECAFE' + web3.utils.keccak256(encodedData).slice(2, 10) + encodedData.slice(2);
let nonce = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount("{owner-account}");
let gasPrice = await web3.eth.getGasPrice();
let chainId = await web3.eth.getChainId();

// Set gas and gas limit
let gas = 8000000;
let gasLimit = 20000000;
// Update the transaction object with the encoded data
let tx =
from: sender.address,
nonce: numberToHex(nonce),
gasPrice: numberToHex(gasPrice),
gasLimit: numberToHex(gasLimit),
gas: numberToHex(gas),
data: encodedData,
to: contractAddr,
chainId: numberToHex(chainId)

// Return the serialized unsigned transaction
let rawTx = '0x' + bytesToHex(EthereumTx.fromTxData(tx).serialize());
let receipt = await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(rawTx);
console.log(`call contract with result: `);

function bytesToHex(bytes) {
return bytes.reduce((str, byte) => str + byte.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'), '');


  • replace the placeholder {owner-account} with the owner account address.

This script is used to create an unsigned Ethereum transaction with validation data.

Then create a new account:

npm run account:create  -- --skfile ./test_account.txt

βœ… If an account gets created successfully, its private key will be dumped as test_account.txt in the current directory. And the Address will be printed, and you need to node it.

Now call verify.cjs with test_account to test.

node scripts/verify.cjs --skfile ./test_account.txt \
--contract {smart-contract-address} \
--abi ./build/contract/Counter.abi \
--args 1000 \
--method add \
--password 0x123456
  • replace the placeholder {smart-contract-address} with the information obtained from step 2.3.4 Deploy your contract.

If successful,it will print the result like this:

call contract with result:
blockHash: '0x40208524a15ba7d65a91fb4e7c06f87e5ac1276d...',
blockNumber: 271998,
contractAddress: null,
cumulativeGasUsed: 10000000,
from: '0x08d721275c6dbb33bc688b62ef199bb...',
gasUsed: 20000000,
logs: [],
logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...',
status: true,
to: '0xd52bd5b358de33fc126ff50e845973c...',
transactionHash: '0x7ea944b07825e0afbb6924246dcfbeef2da13ae0d2970...',
transactionIndex: 0,
type: '0x0'

Now let's check if the counter value in the contract has changed;

npm run contract:call -- --contract {smart-contract-address} \
--abi ./build/contract/Counter.abi \
--method get \
--skfile ./test_account.txt
  • replace the placeholder {smart-contract-address} with the information obtained from step 2.3.4 Deploy your contract.

If the command is executed successfully, will see

 ==== reuslt===1000

Congratulations! You've learned the basics of Aspect development. For a deeper dive, refer to our comprehensive Aspect Doc.