Create a Account
This command can quickly create a new account in the project, and you will use it in other commands which need to sign transactions, and you also can use it in your test scripts.
When you do not have a blockchain account,you can create one by using the following command:
npm run account:create -- --skfile {file_path}
- --skfile : privateKey path for sender. (optional,default value
## usage 1: this command will create a blockchain account and generate a private key file named 'privateKey.txt' in your project dir
npm run account:create
## usage 2: this command will create a blockchain account and generate a private key file named 'accounts.txt' in your project dir
npm run account:create -- --skfile ./accounts.txt
Command Output
If the command is executed successfully, the following log will be printed and a privateKey file will be generated at ' {file_path}'.
> account:create
> node scripts/create-account.cjs
address: 0x773B8Da8De01C9a35DCb74E4C204...
The logic for the create-account command is written in the scripts/create-account.cjs
file, primarily relying on the
implementation provided by the @artela/web3 API.
If needed, you can modify the logic within this file to achieve your specific functionalities.