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Contract Bind Aspect

Binding associates an Aspect with a specific smart contract.See details for concept.


Contract Bind Aspect using the following command:

npm run contract:bind -- --skfile {privateKey-path} \
--contract {smart-contract-address} \
--abi ./build/contract/xxx.abi \
--aspectId {aspect-Id} \
--gas 200000


  • --abi : contract abi path.
  • --contract: smart contract address.
  • --aspectId: aspect id.
  • --skfile : privateKey path for sender. (optional,default value ./privateKey.txt).
  • --gas : like 200000,(optional,default value 7000000).


## usage 1: xxx contract bind aspect use using default private key './privateKey.txt'
npm run contract:bind -- --contract 0x4f59c931fB8b1138348C950110D484B07007F1AF \
--abi ./build/contract/xxx.abi \
--aspectId 0xA7d8497480b28B90f2327F6bD6E588A7e2733BBf

## usage 2: xxx contract bind aspect use using default private key './privateKey2.txt'
npm run contract:bind -- --contract 0x4f59c931fB8b1138348C950110D484B07007F1AF \
--abi ./build/contract/xxx.abi \
--aspectId 0xA7d8497480b28B90f2327F6bD6E588A7e2733BBf \
--skfile ./privateKey2.txt

Command Output

The bind is successful and the receipt for the transaction is printed.

sending signed transaction...
blockHash: '0x5b661a010625de7bdeabc1f505b28193936cbde012bf3d...',
blockNumber: 1128845,
contractAddress: null,
cumulativeGasUsed: 0,
from: '0x554eb2f94386fdce289b8323a0f5d9d7c...',
gasUsed: 9000001,
logs: [],
logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000...',
status: true,
to: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000a27e14',
transactionHash: '0x77785ae0ac85fdce90d0b1e67c39f7af21918b4ffd636b1ce71f4bc5...',
transactionIndex: 0,
type: '0x0'
== aspect bind success ==


The logic for the create-account command is written in the scripts/bind.cjs file, primarily relying on the implementation provided by the @artela/web3 API.

If needed, you can modify the logic within this file to achieve your specific functionalities.

Furthermore, you can modify the project.config.json in the project root folder to set the network configurations.