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In general, developers' deployment and debugging environments may differ from the default environment. This involves specific configurations and settings tailored to development, allowing users to customize modifications in the following project configurations.

  1. Contract compiler
  2. Network Rpc


1. Contract compiler

Sometimes you need to change the compilation method to get different features, for example, to use artela-evm features, you need to use asolc to compile the contract, so you need to modify the compilation method of the smart contract.

Modify the 'contract:build' in the 'package.json' to support it:

  1. solc mode (default)

    solc is required,Update 'contract:build' to the following,

    "contract:build": "solc -o ./build/contract/ --via-ir --abi --storage-layout --bin ./contracts/*.sol --overwrite"
  2. solcjs mode

    The project relies on a third-party npm package like '@openzeppelin/contracts', which needs to be compiled in solcjs. Update 'contract:build' to the following,

    Install solcjs

    npm install -g solc
    solcjs --version

    Update 'contract:build' to the following:

    "contract:build": "solcjs --abi --bin --include-path ./node_modules/ --base-path . -o ./build/contract/ ./contracts/*.sol"
  3. asolc mode

    ASOLC was developed to generate corresponding state tracing Intermediate Representations (IRs) that synergize with Artela EVM. Thus, ASOLC can be viewed as an enhanced version of SOLC, maintaining full compatibility with SOLC while introducing groundbreaking features.

    Download asolc and set the local environment variables;

    Update 'contract:build' to the following:

    "contract:build": "solc -o ./build/contract/ --via-ir --abi --storage-layout --bin ./contracts/*.sol --overwrite"

2.Network Rpc

Modify the project.config.json in the project root folder to set the network configurations as the following (assuming we are using Artela TestNet, if you are using your own node, please change the config accordingly):

"node": ""