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Get bound Aspects

This command is used to query the information of the bound Aspect based on the account address.


npm run bound:aspect  -- --skfile {privateKey-path} \
--contract {smart-contract-address} \
--gas 200000


  • --contract: smart contract address.
  • --skfile : privateKey path for sender. (optional,default value ./privateKey.txt).
  • --gas : like 200000,(optional,default value 7000000).


## usage 1
npm run bound:aspect -- --contract 0x1E904b2409ca1e9b60337248d1DFc75c1882Dd3F

## usage 2
npm run bound:aspect -- --contract 0x1E904b2409ca1e9b60337248d1DFc75c1882Dd3F \
--skfile ./curve_accounts.txt

Command Output

If this command successful and the result printed:

## bound aspects : [{aspect id, aspect version, priority}]
bound aspects : 0xcfC6e698a9750251127e855BAEBe06729D28b96d,1,1


The logic for the create-account command is written in the scripts/get-bound-aspect.cjs file, primarily relying on the implementation provided by the @artela/web3 API.
If needed, you can modify the logic within this file to achieve your specific functionalities.

Furthermore,you can modify the project.config.json in the project root folder to set the network configurations..