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Init Project


The @artela/aspect-tool init command helps developers generate a scaffold for Aspect project development based on the AssemblyScript language. This scaffold comes with dependencies from the Artela library, including essential development libraries and common scripts. It supports operations such as compiling, testing, and deploying smart contracts and WebAssembly, thereby enhancing efficiency in blockchain development.
This guide outlines the process of initiating an Aspect development project

Init Project

mkdir my-first-aspect && cd my-first-aspect

npm install -g @artela/aspect-tool

aspect-tool init



├── asconfig.json
├── aspect <-- Your aspect code resides here
│   └── index.ts <-- Entry functions for the aspect
├── contracts <-- Place your smart contracts here
├── package.json
├── project.config.json
├── scripts <-- Utility scripts, including deploying, binding and etc.
│   ├── aspect-deploy.cjs
│   ├── bind.cjs
│   ├── contract-call.cjs
│   ├── contract-deploy.cjs
│   ├── contract-send.cjs
│   └── create-account.cjs
├── tests
└── tsconfig.json

The command automatically creates the recommended directory structure and configuration files:

  • ./aspect Directory used to store the aspect you wrote. this sources being compiled to WebAssembly, more details to learn how to write an aspect.

  • ./aspect/index.ts Default entry file being compiled to WebAssembly to get you started.

  • ./scripts/*.cjs Aspects and contract compilation, deployment, binding, and other scripts.


Core Dependencies

  • @artela/web3*: Extend Ethereum's web3.js 1.x, supporting Aspect operations.
  • as-proto: Encodes and decodes protobuf messages
"dependencies": {
"@artela/aspect-libs": "last Version",
"@artela/web3": "last Version",
"@assemblyscript/loader": "last Version",
"as-proto": "last Version",

Develop Dependencies

  • @artela/aspect-tool: an assist developers in seamlessly managing Aspect development tool.
"devDependencies": {
"@artela/aspect-tool": "last Version",
"assemblyscript": "last Version",
"as-proto-gen": "last Version",
"yargs": "last Version"