Send Transaction
Triggering the execution of a smart contract by sending a transaction on the blockchain. This may involve state changes, event triggering, or the execution of other contract logic.
You can send transaction using the following command:
npm run contract:send -- --skfile {privateKey-path} \
--contract {smart-contract-address} \
--abi ./build/contract/xxx.abi \
--method {method-name} \
--args [..]
--gas 200000
- --skfile : privateKey path for sender. (optional,default value
).- --abi : contract abi path.
- --contract: smart contract address.
- --method: method name.
- --args : If your contract's constructor requires input parameters, use
--args '[1, "a"]'
(optional).- --gas : like
,(optional,default value7000000
## usage 1: send a contract 'xxxx.sol' with hello() method, using default private key './privateKey.txt'
npm run contract:send -- --contract 0xa1ab92B67C4Bd8bb0fa1C08F29A90b375c260185 \
--abi ./build/contract/HelloWorld.abi \
--method hello
## usage 3: call a contract 'xxxx.sol' with 'add(address aspectId, address account)' method, using private key './privateKey2.txt'.
npm run contract:send -- --contract 0xa1ab92B67C4Bd8bb0fa1C08F29A90b375c260185 \
--abi ./build/xxxx.abi \
--method add \
--args 100
## usage 3: call a contract 'xxxx.sol' with 'unbind(address aspectId, address account)' method, using private key './privateKey2.txt'.
npm run contract:send -- --contract 0xa1ab92B67C4Bd8bb0fa1C08F29A90b375c260185 \
--abi ./build/xxxx.abi \
--method unbind \
--args 0xCE3ccD4a308f25B4c1B36cC883A9bEd76Bc24627 0xA90927a72F1A6c8EFAfa0cc1b432f75eCc2086d8 \
--skfile ./privateKey2.txt
Command Output
The current deployment is successful and the receipt for the transaction is printed.
call contract tx hash: 0x739effa2f1817baa2171c271c7307180c12d73a04d99bd6...
blockHash: '0x7ff306f6aeeec87ab32aab67d7ba0e478a57f8e95419b91e9de0dbe5d...',
blockNumber: 1129168,
contractAddress: null,
cumulativeGasUsed: 2000000,
from: '0x554eb2f94386fdce289b8323a0f5d9d7c3c...',
gasUsed: 4000001,
logs: [],
logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000...',
status: true,
to: '0xc54f9bedf4bcab6770d5821ca41c53458...',
transactionHash: '0x739effa2f1817baa2171c271c7307180c12d73a04d99bd666812a2...',
transactionIndex: 0,
type: '0x0'
The logic for the create-account command is written in the scripts/contract-send.cjs
file, primarily relying on the
implementation provided by the @artela/web3 API.
If needed, you can modify the logic within this file to achieve your specific functionalities.
Furthermore,you can modify the project.config.json
in the project root
folder to set the network configurations..